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Thursday, February 25, 2010

#27 "Ristorante" 11x14 oil

It's been 30+ years since I've been to Venice. However, my friend Candace and her husband Todd were fortunate enough to travel there last summer as part of a wonderful cruise thru the Mediterranean. Some of the photos were posted on Facebook by, "Candie" and I took the liberty of downloading a few of them. Thank you Candace and Todd for the inspiration!!! One of several photos that struck me was of a ristorante on one of the Venice canals.
I just wanted to be sitting at that restaurant having pasta, and sipping a fine Chianti!!! Not sure if Candace or Todd took the photo but this what they saw. Hope to get back to Venice one day but until then, this will just have to do! Godetevi il vostro pasto!

Update! Todd took the photo while he and Candie were on a gondola ride! I did a little research and found that the name of this little hotel/cafe in Venice is Hotel Ca' Fortuny.