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Thursday, August 5, 2010

#31 "Sweetwater Swan" revisited ....... 9x12 oil

Back at Sweetwater Lake in Brown County at the Aw Kum On Inn. Taking another look at the, "Sweetwater Swan." It's full on summer with temps in and above 90 here in August. Nothing quite like being at the lake.

The swan hasn't been around much this summer. Rumor has it, he's hanging out at the north end of the lake.  Here he looks pretty comfortable and cool sitting on a rock that lies just below the top of the water, preening himself, watching the feathers float gently upon the surface.

2010 Indiana State Fair Juried Competition

Last summer (2009) after visiting the Indiana State Fair, I decided I wanted to enter the juried competition for the following year. You are allowed to enter two paintings. I chose, "Ella's Mom" #26 and "Selma's Living Room" #22. Both paintings were judged and then chosen for exhibition at the fair. That was a great feeling to have both selected!!! Much to my surprise, "Selma's Living Room" won a 4th place!!! I felt like the little kid whose  prized pig just won a ribbon! My wife Linda, my sister Deb and my mom went with me to the reception...... great afternoon!!!

Me and my mom Clara Cahill
My lovely wife Linda

Sister Deb Carlson
Me and Linda